Mara Mintzer

“I hope that more people will be inspired to give to kids’ causes and realize what a huge difference one person can make to addressing many people’s potential.”

I support kids’ causes, because I believe that supporting kids leads to a better society for all ages. Not only is giving for kids’ causes the right thing to do for kids themselves, but it's necessary if we want to build a just, equitable, and healthy world. If we want the next generation to lead humanely and address the incredible challenges awaiting them, we must ensure that every child has the opportunity to be physically and mentally healthy, to be an engaged citizen, to be loved and nurtured, and to be intellectually stimulated. It’s not just my biological kids that I care about–it’s all children who matter. That is why I give to big, global organizations like UNICEF, as well as to small, local organizations like the I Have a Dream Foundation of Boulder County in Boulder, CO. Giving to UNICEF helps me address the helplessness I feel reading the news about Ukraine; they are doing what I am not able to do from my living room in the US. And giving to the I Have a Dream Foundation helps me to connect with a local program that I’ve seen in action. I hope that more people will be inspired to give to kids’ causes and realize what a huge difference one person can make to addressing many people’s potential.

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